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08/17/23 11:07 AM #259    


Liz Ryan (Cole)

This is an attempt to reply to Reed Cosper's post 

I would like to simply be able to say "what a good idea"  but let's see where this appears. LOL. liz

08/17/23 11:26 AM #260    


Donald Salisbury

I of course remember Tom Ukena well - and we remain facebook friends. He was a freshman roommate. And gosh, I had planned to come to the cluster reunion but I have a conflict. I would have much enjoyed reconnecting - but fortunately that's nowadays possible electronically!

08/24/23 03:34 PM #261    


Ralph Shapira

Reunion Music Fest

Friday 9 PM

Cat In The Cream Coffee House

180 W Lorain St (inside Hales Annex)


On Friday night, September 29th of our reunion weekend, our class will entertain one another at a Music Fest.  I’m very excited that we will begin with a group sing of the moving choral piece “The Road Home” by Stephen Paulus.  Everyone is welcome to join the chorus.  It will be led by Professor Gregory Ristow of the Conservatory, who will bring a quartet of his current students to assist us.  Youtube has the sheet music and several beautiful performances of the piece; the lyrics are shown below.


After the group sing, other classmates will be welcomed to sing, play or dance for us.  I’m soliciting any and all of you to take a turn at the mic.   As I said in my last posting:  “Our group will doubtless include professional musicians, and it will be a special treat to hear from them. But rank amateurs are equally welcome and encouraged to give us a show. The only point is to have fun. I'm confident that each performer will be enthusiastically welcomed and applauded, whatever their skill level at our advanced age may prove to be.”


So far we have but three volunteers:  Rich Zitrin, Stephen Wagner and me.  I hope there will be more.  Please send me an email at if you’d like to perform.

The Road Home

By Stephen Paulus

Tell me, where is the road
I can call my own
That I left, that I lost
So long ago?
All these years I have wandered
Oh, when will I know
There's a way, there's a road
That will lead me home

After wind, after rain
When the dark is done
As I wake from a dream
In the gold of day
Through the air there's a calling
From far away
There's a voice I can hear
That will lead me home

Rise up, follow me
Come away, is the call
With the love in your heart
As the only song
There is no such beauty
As where you belong
Rise up, follow me
I will lead you home





08/25/23 10:38 PM #262    


Richard Zitrin

Yeah, Baby!

I'm going to try to get my atrophied singing voice back in good enough shape to play two songs I wrote in the early 1970's, when I dropped out of law school and was singing and playing the piano in the Village in NYC. (Then I made a wrong turn and went back to school. Ah, well....)

I figure at our age, how bad can I screw up if I'm still standing - er, sitting at the piano and breathing - at the end of the damn thing!

- Rich

08/28/23 01:09 PM #263    


Shirley Smith (Kirsten)

I have been ravaged by a particularly virulent flea here in Berkeley Ca.. that resembles in behavior a Tonga Penetrans flea or Jigger, because it bites and burrows beneath my skin--like a tick.. leaves eggs on skin and flea dirt--bucca like impetigo lesions, blisters, plaque. It is confounding docs at Kaiser. I have head to toe invasion. Cat was successfully treated with Revolution Plus. I am looking for some heavyweights in the field to reach out to..  Has become an emergency situation. I have scanned the internet and even emailed entomologists at UC Davis with pics of fleas I have trapped in Dawn Dish Detergent. I have graphic full body pics of the bites.. etc. Of real concern to be in the right hands.  Thanks Shirley Smith Kirsten, piano. And since I am in Berkeley, one would think there are some Obies around to consult.

09/03/23 05:36 PM #264    

Elizabeth Keys (Jaffer)

With all the talk about the movie Oppenheimer, I remembered that Toni Oppenheimer, his daughter, was at Oberlin while we were. She was class of 1966. I didn't know her but I knew of her.  Here is a bit of biography about her sad life:

09/04/23 06:14 PM #265    


Dick Hobby



     Thank you for calling my attention to Toni Oppenheimer and her tragic life and suicide.  I went to the link you included and read it.

     I did not know Toni Oppenheimer.  Over the years I have thought about the fact that I was at Oberlin for four years and yet I am sure I got to know only a small percentage of the students.  So many bright interesting people there so it seems unfortunate not to know ALL of them!

      Anyway thanks for the link.

      Before going would like to recommend three films that relate to what Robert Oppenheimer unleashed with the atomic bomb:

Hiroshima Mon Amour    by Alain Resnais

Black Rain    with Michael Douglas

Kiss Me Deadly     from the novel by Mickey Spillane

Dick Hobby     '67



09/06/23 06:27 PM #266    


Ralph Shapira


Many of you who might otherwise enjoy performing at our cluster’s musical event on 9/29 may have been discouraged by assuming you would have no band or instrumental accompaniment.  I can solve that problem for you.

Using a free app called Moises, I (you) can download any song from ITunes (or its non-apple equivalent) and break it into its constituent tracks, including vocal, guitar, piano, drums, etc.  Then I (you) can suppress (for example) the vocal track, which enables me (you) to sing the song with its full musical accompaniment.  You’re in effect creating your own karaoke version of the song.  That’s the way I’m going to sing my songs at our event, playing the “karaoke” version from my Iphone through the venue’s audio system using Bluetooth.

You needn’t worry about doing this for yourself — I’m willing to do it for you.  Just let me know what song you want to perform, and I will handle downloading it into Moises and playing it for you when you take the stage at the event.  Unlike a real karaoke system, the lyrics won’t be displayed, so you’ll either have to print them out and bring them with you, or memorize them.  But I recommend downloading the Moises app and the song yourself so you can practice.  ITunes charges about a buck for a song, I assume likewise with its non-apple equivalent.

Hopefully this will entice more of you to perform — right now there are only three individual performers to follow the group sing, which will kick off the evening at around 9 pm.


09/07/23 08:59 AM #267    


Richard Zitrin

Thanks, Ralph. What a great service! I hope more people will join in.

09/08/23 11:23 AM #268    


Ted Morgan

Re. Economic Diversity at Oberlin -

The New York Times published a table titled "The Top US Colleges with the Greatest Economic Diversity (  Interestingly, Oberlin ranked an embarassing 283rd with only 8% of first-year students receiving Pell Grants (the measure of economic need).


09/08/23 01:44 PM #269    

Stephen Wagner

Friday, September 8, 2023


     Unfortrunately, I have decided that I really should not attend the Oberlin reunion this Fall.  My wife continues to have some serious medical isses, though there has been some improvement.  I have a lot of work to do here at home and in a storage area, getting rid of a lot of excess "stuff", cleaning and organizing, partly to maintain "domestic tranquility".  Also, I have unpaid volunteer writing I need to get done by noon on September 22.

     The Amtrak schedules between Massachusetts and northeastern Ohio remain brutal; and, although I've managed to drive betrween my home in Mayanrd and nortwestern Vermont successfully and do plan to drive   roundtrip to and from Oneonta, NY, for a meeting in mid-October, driving to and from Oberlin or Cleveland would take considerably longer.  And the classmates I'd most like to see do not plana to attend.

     I had hoped to revise teh "Revolutionary Operetta" I had written (with original words set to very old tunes) for the Wayland (Mass.)  public schools sthat was performed in 1975.  I still think it's not as frivolous than the succesful musical 1776 and much more accurate historically than the deservedly popular Hamilton.  However, I really ought to add songs focusing on women and on "nonwhite" Americans in the Revolutionary period; and I most likely would not be able to do that before the reunion.

     If anyone would like to see what I've been able to recover from what I wrote decades ago, I could mail or email copies.  At some point I might. be able to record myself singing some or all of them.  But I suspect the performances at the concert at the reunion will have to be done live.

     I have already sent an apology to Ralph Shapira for my not coming to the reunion as well as thanks to him for the great work he has done in arranging for the concert.

Stephen T. (Steve) Wagner,










09/08/23 03:02 PM #270    

Richard Apling

Here's screen shot of what Ted Morgan reported from the NYT. I think this should be a topic of conversation with the powers-that-be during the cluster reunion.


Inline Image Not Displayed

09/08/23 03:03 PM #271    

Richard Apling

My screen shot didn't come through. Here is a link to the NYT article:

09/09/23 11:40 AM #272    


Frank Duhl

I had planned to be at the reunion, but I have to cancel. Just after the reunion, I am going to DC to visit a friend who has COPD and is very vulnerable to Covid. Since numbers of infections are rising, I can't take a chance on getting infected at Oberlin and bringing it to her. I will miss seeing people at the reunion and hope that those of you who are there stay healthy and enjoy seeing each other. 
I encourage the organizers of this reunion and the College to consider precautions against this gathering becoming a spreading event for this virus. 


09/28/23 01:11 PM #273    


Gregory Pyke

This was written in May 2022 and I never saw Paul Safyan's reply requesting that I post it here, not just on my profile. Sorry it is out of time context but...

Thank you, Paul. It is hard to imagine that those faculty most affected by the health insurance and pay issues will sit on their hands until trustees meet next July and January to begin discussions. Anbar's reliance on the absence of large-scale faculty departure could be a positive but might also be a measure of the times in higher ed generally. Are good faculty positions open at comparable institutions which our faculty are ignoring to stay near Tappan Square? If not, if they are staying because they can't go elsewhere, the future is a depressing picture for them and for their students. Our gift may only be a token one-time drop in the bucket but what it says could matter. It's no surprise that faculty and staff compensation are the lion's share of the budget--they should be. But what percent is administrative compensation and at what rate has it grown? What would a shift of 1 or 2 percentage points add to faculty/staff?

10/03/23 10:57 PM #274    


Ralph Shapira

Here's a horrifying story about Oberlin.  I'm very upset by the college's immoral and inexcusable conduct.



10/04/23 08:03 AM #275    


Liz Ryan (Cole)

In light of the college's desire to do a better job at communication as expressed last weekend in a forum held during Homecoming weekend I wonder if Oberlin will be willing to explain, or even better, return the art work and explain. 


10/04/23 09:06 AM #276    


Steven Katz

Reflecting on our 67-69 Cluster Reunion

Initially, I hesitated when deciding whether to attend, most friends weren't planning to. But when Aaron Levin, Rusty Beatty, Ralph Shapira, and Peter Griswold asked about my plans and, my wife Ileana Soto urged me to come, we made our plans.

We're leaving later this evening, Monday, planning to spend a quiet day in Oberlin enriched by the weekend.

As wonderful as it's been to refresh friendships and initiate new ones, I remain concerned that our Oberlin is no longer the remarkably democratic institution I remembered. With the dissolution of the Finney Compact last year Oberlin has become increasing corporate and autocratic. I had an extended conversation with Board Chair, Chris Canavan, about my concerns

I am one of many alumni who contributed to the '1833 Just Transition Fund' to provide a severance package to laid off Clsssified Staff a few years ago when the College wouldn’t. Since then several alums I know have directed our efforts in support of a new organization, 'Alumni for Oberlin Values', whose intent is to enrich and focus dialogue between Alumni and the Administration and Board of Trustees.

When queried, Board Chair Canavan shared with our Class that recently dialogue between representatives of A.O.V. and the College has begun.

Our hope is that these exchanges will benefit the College as it charts its course forward. Ongoing updates from A.O.V. are available on its Facebook page, 'Alumni for Oberlin Values'. Should you wish to correspond, A.O.V.'s email address is:

There's much going on at today's Oberlin that's exciting and gratifying. Course offerings are much more flexible, real world internships are available to students, the boundaries separating the College and Conservatory no longer exist, and the College has embarked on an extraordinary infrastructure project to completely update its campus-wide heating and cooling system so that it is State of the Art and Green.

But the decision to jettison the Finney Compact, in 1946 Oberlin was seen to be the most democratically operated liberal arts college in the country, has distressed many among its faculty, students, and alumni.

Of course, times have changed dramatically since then. Liberal Arts Colleges across the country are struggling to survive.

My hope is that dialogue between A.O.V. and the College will ensure that its values and traditions are honored so that faculty continue to play a meaningful role in the business of running the College.

Steve Katz, Class of 1968

10/04/23 11:28 AM #277    

Stephanie Koenig

Thanks for alerting us to this, Ralph.  Rather than contribute this year, I will write a letter objecting to this egregious behavior.

10/04/23 11:42 AM #278    

Judith Klavans

Do we have any idea what could be the Allen Art Museum's resistance to relinquishing this very beautiful work of art (is it yet again.... dare I say it? All about the money?)

I was sorry not to be at the reunion but would value hearing from those of you who were there?  How did being far from campus impact interactions (which is the main reason to go, imho)? 


10/04/23 12:37 PM #279    

Peter Griswold

I thoroughly enjoyed the cluster reunion.  Many thanks to Rich Zitrin, Mark Jaffee, Ted Guest, Walt Galloway, Amy Rothstein, Lee Drickamer, Stephannie Kaza, Aaron Levin, Liz Keys, Penny Zoldbrod, Eve Tal and Ralph Shapira for organizing/moderating events (sorry if I left anyone out).  The downside of having to stay off campus was offset, in my opinion, by the opportunity to visit classes and see a fully-functioning campus with current students, faculty and staff.  About 35 people from our class attended.  I hope that the change in accommodations didn't keep classmates away.  The memorial Service was very moving, not only for the number of classmates we have lost (approximately 130), but also hearing the names of classmates who passed early, either in their 20's, 30's, 40's or 50's.  When the approximately 240 classmates who are listed as "Missing" on our class site are added to those who have passed, that brings a total of about 370 classmates missing or gone from that young and eager group who first gathered on the campus on a bright day in September 1964.  . 

10/04/23 01:02 PM #280    


Daniel Miller

Reading Ralph's link to an article about a drawing stolen by the Nazis, I got the feeling that not everything was stated.  I wonder if, as Liz says, there is more to the situation and if someone in the interest of transparency would explain what is going on.

Listening to the chair of the trustees dance round the question of what was changed in dropping the faculty from control of the college without ever actually answering the question, I would need to hear several different takes on the situation to know what was going on.

10/04/23 01:02 PM #281    


Jean Poppei (Eisenberg)

I believe you will find that the Allen, in fact, did nothing wrong and that it was included with some museums where it was an issue.  Let's relax folks before we make judgements and be open to hearing more.  


10/04/23 07:20 PM #282    

Peter Griswold

Given the age of the Finney Compact(1835), it would seem, at least to me, ithere would be a need of some re-examination.  Colleges have become far more complicated entities since OC was founded.  In a litigious world, colleges need a more formal decision-making structure so that it is clear where the authority and the responsibility lies.  Someone (I believe it was Professor Miyake) made the point that the change was necessary in case Oberlin was sued (again).  I doubt that many other colleges and universities have an arrangement similiar to that of the Finney Compact.  At my own university, it was repetedly emphasized that the Faculty Senate was an advisory body.  

10/05/23 11:09 AM #283    


Steven Katz

Finney Compact Integral to Oberlin’s Future
Richard Spear|October 7, 2022

Dear Chris Canavan and Oberlin’s Board of Trustees,

When — in 1964 — I accepted a position to teach at Oberlin, I was reluctant to do so because I knew that I had been awarded a Fulbright grant to carry out research in Rome. My mentor at Princeton, in hindsight, wisely advised me to accept the job and to try to take an early leave because, he said, there aren’t many positions like the one at Oberlin.

Once on campus and proud to be part of what I regarded to be the top liberal arts college in the country, I gradually understood why Oberlin enjoyed its distinguished reputation — not only because of its historically liberal activism, its outstanding Conservatory and Allen Memorial Art Museum, and its solid endowment, but also, above all, its excellent, dedicated faculty and exceptional students. What I might call the ethos in which all of that thrived was the sense that Oberlin — whose very purpose is, after all, education — was to an unusual degree steered by its educators; that is, by its faculty who obviously know more and care more about the College’s educational success than anyone else. This, I knew, was the result of the Finney Compact.

During my 35 years at Oberlin, I sadly watched from the inside the College’s fall in national standing, first due to the unpreventable loss of its unique position as a top co-ed liberal arts college and, in conjunction with that loss, the impact of its adverse geographical location when compared with many of the other co-ed colleges.

Concurrently, Oberlin’s endowment suffered greatly due to its poor management at a time when the endowments of many of the colleges that Oberlin liked to compare itself with grew greatly.

What I have outlined is, to be sure, a simplistic explanation of Oberlin’s decline in national standing, but it nonetheless points to some fundamental reasons that, from its position in the 1960s as the best liberal arts college in the country Oberlin has fallen to, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report’s ranking, an embarrassing 39th place. One might question the basis of such rankings, as I do, yet I do not think we can dismiss the accuracy of the general trend it tracks regarding Oberlin. This leads me to Oberlin today, which suffers from the Gibson’s affair. Thankfully it is over, although its short or long-term fiscal fallout, the extent of which is yet to be seen, is not, nor is its impact on the College’s relationship with donors.

Certainly, the last thing the College needs at this critical time is more negative publicity and further acceleration of its decline. That, I fear, is exactly what the board is inviting by proposing bylaw changes that eviscerate the Finney Compact and the General Faculty’s authority as stated in Article XV, Section 2. The change, to no small degree, will destroy the Oberlin that it has long been.

I will leave it to Oberlin’s active faculty to spell out in detail the consequences of the board’s rewriting of this section. But speaking from the position of an emeritus professor who has loved and supported the College, I am deeply disturbed by the board’s planned action, fearing the damage to Oberlin that surely will ensue.


Richard Spear

Mildred Jay Professor of Art History, Emeritus, Oberlin College

Affiliate Research Professor, University of Maryland, College Park

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