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1 lives in Alabama
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62 live in New York
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6 location unknown
93 are deceased


•   Daniel Miller  10/22
•   Nancy Wargny  10/22
•   Debby Horn (Roosevelt)  10/23
•   Sara Tucker  10/23
•   James Lewis  10/24
•   Dagny Henry (Karkalits)  10/25
•   Gael Schwertman (Treesiwin '69)  10/25
•   Deon Tanner (Hilger)  10/25
•   John Lurain  10/27
•   Julianne Puzon  10/27
•   Chuck Cole  10/28
•   Paul Safyan  10/28
•   Peter Lehman  10/30
•   Mary Mathias  11/1
•   Michael Smith  11/2
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Thanks to so many of you for your kind wishes of sympathy and encouragement.  I cherish and hold on to them all.



Reunion Photos

Did you have a chance to attend our 55th Cluster Reunion for the Classes of '67, '68 and '69 during Homecoming Weekend (September 29 through October 1, 2023)? Saturday's Alumni Breakfast is shown above. Be sure to check out our Message Forum for the latest comments.

And the official class photos are now available. Click here to view and order.


If you have photos to share, be sure to post them on this website. The pictures below of John Henretta, Aaron Levin, Ralph Shapira and Christopher Smith of the Class of 1968 are excerpted from an extensive weekend collection by College photographers.


Thanks to Aaron Levin, we have a recording of the Class of 1968 Memorial Service held in Clonick Hall during the 2018 Reunion. Effectively edited, it is about 26 minutes long. Click here to listen.